The Lawrenceburg splash park, located at the American Legion grounds, will open for the first time in 2020 on June 29th.
The splash park has not been able to open due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the guidelines that were put in place to limit its spread. Once it opens, the splash park hours will be 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Monday-Sunday. The playground at the city park will remain closed for now.
Another summer event that has been announced is the annual fireworks show at the Anderson County Community Park. It will still be held this year, though it will be a drive-in event.
People who attend will be asked to space their vehicles apart, stay with the family members in your own party and exercise social distancing from others. Face masks will also be strongly suggested.
Fireworks will begin at dusk. Sunday, July 5 will be the rain date.
Additional details will be posted here and on the Lawrenceburg/Anderson County Tourism Commission’s Facebook page as they become available.